If you have read the user manual or the help center but still cannot solve the problem, please fill in the following information and send it to your reseller or Lazervida support by private message on Facebook or email.
The following information is subject to actual use :
Name :
Telephone :
email :
Address :
Purchasing platform: For non-Lazervida official website purchasers, please provide a photo of the order details.
Operating system : Windows / macOS / Linux
Software version : Windows: Menu > “Help” > “About Swiftray”. macOS: Menu > “Swiftray” > "About Swiftray”.
Laser head serial number: Please provide a photo of the sticker on the top of the laser head.
Machine serial number: Please provide a photo of the sticker on the back of the machine. Troubleshooting Records: Please provide photos or videos according to the Troubleshooting.
1. Contact your reseller to get prompt support!
2. Contact Lazervida :
Private message to Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/flux3dp
Email: support@lazervida.com
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